FATMAP difficulty grade
This is more direct, slightly steeper and more enclosed line that the main Rognons Glacier descent.
You spend a shorter time on the Rognons Glacier so it may be a better choice if this is poor condition, though you do rejoin the Argentiere Glacier at the bottom of the run.
Start at the foot of the iron steps that descend from the top station of the Grands Montets.
Ski defensively or sideslip down the initial icy slope on the Pointe de Vue piste.
Exit this to the R under the fence and ski down, as for the Rognon Glacier run initially, leaving the obvious Rognon on its R.
Once below here you will see tracks below here that descend down and L on the main glacier.
Ignore these and descend to the L of a blunt rocky ridge.
This leads you into the slope you will ski straight down, bounded by broken rocks on either side.
There are occasional narrower sections and it generally steepens as it descends.
Be careful not to go too far L as there are many blind ending lines that cliff out towards the bottom.
A final steep section puts you down onto the often crevassed lower section of the Rognons run, as you meet the Argentiere Glacier.
This sweeps you back L on a big traverse to rejoin the Pointe de Vue piste.
You are on a glacier so make sure you are equipped, prepared and have practised crevasse rescue, however unlikely you think falling in a crevasse is- it is possible! A minimum would be each person to have harness, axe, crampons, an ice screw, 3 prussiks, several screwgates, a pulley/DMM Revolver karabiner, a couple of slings and 2 30m ropes in the group.
A more modern simple solution substituting for many of the above might be 2 Petzl RAD systems in the group.
If you have any doubts about this ski with an IFMGA Mountain Guide.