With an magnificent view over Hallingskarvet and with a pit stop at Tuva, this is a must for everyone in the Easter holiday.


2 - 3









FATMAP difficulty grade



Take a bus or park at Lægreidstølen.

1147 m.a.s.l Parking on the right hand side.

The trail crosses the Monsbulægret and up to 1272 m.a.s.l.

It's clearly marked with signes towards Tuva. From Lægreid to Tuva it's 12 km. Tuva is a cozy fourth-generation tourist cabin with Hardangervidda's best waffles.

From Tuva you can also take the path from Tuva to Ustaoset, which is 10 km, and slightly shorter than towards Kikut. Tuva is the half.-way mark to Kikut and from Tuva you follow signes towards Kikut and Grønnebakken.

If you would like to check of a summit on the way, Ustetind is early approached with groomed tracks to the top.

2 km from Tuva, you will see signes towards Ustetind.

At Grønnebakken you have approximately 7km remaining towards Kikut, and it's clearly signed towards Kikut.

If you havn't hade the chance to enjoy a warm coffee and waffle at either Tuva or Grønnebakken, Hakkesetstølen is your last option before Kikut.

A true classic that has It all, when it comes to cross country skiing.

PS: to see if the ski tracks are groomed, please check out www.skisporet.no