Treville (21 km)


1 - 2









FATMAP difficulty grade



Panoramic itinerary with a splendid view of the Alps and continuous ups and downs through the vineyards of Barbera and Grignolino.

Among the small villages clinging to the hills that look like nativity scenes, you will find baroque and rural churches. Stages of the route and points of interest Parked the car in Cereseto in Piazza Umberto I, we fill the water bottle at the fountain and head uphill to the center of the country following the sign Castello, really worth a visit, is one of the most beautiful castles of Monferrato fairytale appearance. Satisfied with our curiosity, after taking a hundred photos we continue the tour, at the Stop of the castle turn right we head towards the exit of the country and the next Stop cross the intersection following the road signs for Ottiglio. If you do not want to see the castle immediately, from the square take the road signs for Moncalvo - Asti and just ahead left for Ottiglio.

After about 700 m.

on the left starts a dirt road (Wp dirt 8) for about 1 km.

then on asphalt downhill, at the Stop turn right and after 50 m.

about take left the dirt road (Wp dirt 81) of about 700 m.

which then becomes grassy and comes out on asphalt, continue to the sign Cascina Buffalora upper (Wp white road 7), take precisely this white road that uphill leads us to this uninhabited house, almost pass in the courtyard and exit left and now downhill until you get back on asphalt, is a road that leads to farmhouse Merli, turn left, you arrive at the SS 487 you go right and, at the first dirt road just before the end of the guardrail near a farmhouse take the dirt road to the right, past the house al (Wp 0071), at the second right bend, leave this main road (if you continue poorly always keep left you still get to Treville) to climb on a grassy road and after 1 km.

scarce you arrive on the ridge of the hill and you enter on white road and then asphalt, you go up admiring the surrounding panorama and the church of Treville that stands on top overlooking the village, you pass the chapel of San Quirico and locality Solito, after the cemetery stay right, we enter Treville and go directly to the church, (on the square there is also a telescope, free), you can see Cereseto, from where we started, the next stage, Sala Monferrato and the whole Alpine arc. After having satisfied the sight and the camera, we leave the Church and, if we need water, under the Church at the Stop turn left we will find a square with fountain. We return for a short stretch on our steps and stay on the main road downhill to the Stop, go right to Sala Monferrato, after 200 m.

at the junction stay left uphill and follow the road signs Rosignano and Cellamonte, (NO Sala M.

which is all asphalt).

Further on follow the signs, on the right downhill via Savoia and B&B la Savoia, after the B&B you are on a grassy dirt road downhill (watch out for the cart tracks), leading to a white road well graveled, turn right, covered about 300 m.

turn right again to dirt road (Wp dirt road 12), from here we will peel on asphalt to continue to Sala Monferrato (for sightseeing turn right to Cereseto, at the church go up the ramp with the archway you go to the old church of St.

Francis dating from the fourteenth century, with beautiful panoramic views), You return, at the Stop sign continue, exit the village take for Ottiglio, pass the cemetery and leave the asphalt road to take the dirt road that we find right in front of us, we will walk for about 900 m.

until you find a dirt road on the left downhill, divales on the other side of the hill passing through some houses, the climb continues on asphalt until the SP 36, turn right (you go towards the end of our path), after about km.

1,150 note on our right a white road uphill, deserves a last and small effort to climb the ridge of the hill where it appears in all its glory the castle and the village, now downhill take the grassy road and you arrive at the starting point.