FATMAP difficulty grade
This is a fun and classic run, particularly on storm days as it gets a lot of sun.
It is visible right from the trailhead and is very tempting to ski first thing in the day.
It brings you from the main bench on Nito back to Route 66, close to the big blue road sign and the trailhead. To get to this run, it is recommended to follow the Nito Ascent W route as it is easier than climbing the SW face.
From the bench where the trees begin to thin and one would drop in to the W facing terrain, ski along the ridge, to the S back towards the trailhead.
Look for a bump or nose about 100 metres out along the ridge.
You may have to sidestep a bit to get properly on it.
Traditionally, that is why this is a good last run of the day, as you will be able to scope this hump out on previous W facing laps.
If you are approaching from Nito Ascent SW, continue westward until you find yourself on top of the nose.
Trying to drop in sooner will put you on the riders left side of the main creek that isolates this hump.
This is great skiing too, though it isn't what you are aiming for.
Remember to check the local Nadare Forecast (linked below) before heading into the backcountry.
Once on the hump, the run takes one dip and flattens for another 30m.
After that it begins to roll away into a convexity.
This is a tentative start zone, and because this terrain is S facing there is quite frequently a crust lurking here, so tread lightly.
Ski down and over the roll towards the road, slight riders left.
There are some exciting cliffs and features in this section, as well as a creek to the riders left of the hump.
In early season, this creek may have open water and it is important to be cautious, though some of the best features are right next to this creek.
Such is life.
The run begins to level off after 100 m, and the trees tighten back up.
They are fun to cruise through and there are still small stumps and features to jump off. Ski onto the road slowly, even if following old tracks.
There is a large water bar on the uphill side of the road that takes a lot of snow to get covered.
Hitting this big dip at full speed would be a bad way to end a great ski day.
You will have walked past this on your way out along the road before entering the forest, so it will not be an unfamiliar obstacle.
This water bar usually takes until mid-January at least to get covered. Once on the road, follow it to the left past the big blue road sign and back to the trailhead.