A fully panoramic line with a long traverse and some steepness which requires good navigational skills.









FATMAP difficulty grade



From the top of the Morclan's chairlift, take the red slope "Chermillon red" but instead of going to the slope continue straight following the arête; navigation will be helped by some patches of trees all around our line, we will have to stay on the left on the patches what will guide us.

Steepness will close these 2 patches of trees and this is real steepness, we are about 50 degrees what make the area really dangerous in term of riding skills and avalanches.

East exposure face will make it more unstable as the sun is often present into this part, what can make the face as well unstable at the end of the season as well.

Second patch of trees will be the longer steep part of the line, but not the steepest, won't recommend to go there in case of low visibility as getting lost mean the left part will behere for you and cornice crash might injured you badly.

Once the second steep part passed, access to the blue slope "Panoramique (Chaux Longe)" will be there for you giving you access to the "Pré la Vieille" and "TK de Chermeu" ski lifts.