One of the best advanced-level jump trails in Squamish.


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FATMAP difficulty grade



If you're looking for an advanced-level jump trail in Squamish, Hot Tuna is one of two trails that belong on your hit list! Hot Tuna is located way out in the northwestern corner of the Alice Lakes trail system, further up the mountain from the now-famous Miki's Magic and Slippery Salmon.

The route mapped here also includes a wide selection of fantastic trails at Alice Lake, including Miki's Magic, Man Boobs, and Pamplemousse.

While it might be possible to reach Hot Tuna more quickly than this route shows, you might as well ride the rest of these iconic trails along the way! To get there, begin by grinding your way to the top via 50 Shades of Green, some gravel access roads, Upstream, and more.

After over 1,500 vertical feet of climbing, you'll arrive at the main attraction. This black diamond jump trail is set on a steep slope with steep sections of singletrack in between the hits.

Many of these jumps are mandatory double black diamond-sized gap jumps, so be sure to scout them first! All of the gaps can be bypassed, but doing so can really jam up the flow of the trail.

Hot Tuna is designed to be sent.

If you can't send it, try working up to the speed and size of these jumps by first perfecting the hits on trails like Half Nelson, Miki's Magic, and Slippery Salmon.

However, due to the ride-around options, this entire route only warrants a "Severe" FATMAP rating. Next up is Miki's Magic.

Miki's Magic is a superbly-crafted jump trail with massive berms, tabletops, and a few step-ups and hips.

While Miki's Magic could be called a flow trail, it's more accurately labeled a jump line.

It's sometimes difficult to parse the difference between the two, but where some flow trails feature plenty of jumps interspersed with high-speed flowing singletrack in between, on Miki's Magic, you're either taking off, landing, or whipping through a berm to set up for the next take off.

There's no time to waste between hits! Even so, all of the jumps can be rolled over if you're not feeling them or if you want to scope the line on your first run through.

On some of the tables, you'll find two lip options, creating small and medium-sized jumps.

Unlike Hot Tuna, nothing on Miki's Magic is massive. Man Boobs, aka "Mannequin Boobs," has puns for days! This long-time classic Squamish trail is still a local favorite.

It's a fairly flowy intermediate trail with some ups and downs along the way.

When you drop in, you'll find some swoopy descents punctuated by rocks, roots, and a few blown-out holes from the near-constant trail traffic. Unlike many of the popular flow trails in Squamish, Man Boobs consists of classic singletrack that offers a mixed bag of technical challenge, flowy trail, and deep, dark forest. Finally, this ride wraps up on Pamplemousse, a fast, flowy black diamond descent.

While this trail definitely isn't an intermediate flow trail, it was still designed to be fast enough to flow but well-designed enough to keep you from riding the brakes.

It's filled with berms and jumps and swooping singletrack.

This high speed descent is always a great way to finish a ride! Source: [Remy Metailler](