A spicy mix of breakable crust and sharks with some really nice powder turns once in a while 😅 After not receiving any snow until the week before the first stop of the Freeride World Tour, we were lucky to get 30cms just before we arrived in Baqueira. We had worried about hitting rocks more than anything but the morning of the contest, a large avalanche was actually triggered in the middle of the face. That left a majority of the face with the firm base that was just underneath the new snow. Luckily there were no injuries during the forerunners, safety crew, or athletes. This face would be SO fun if there were a solid base with a half meter or more of new snow on it!









FATMAP difficulty grade



A spicy mix of breakable crust and sharks with some really nice powder turns once in a while 😅 After not receiving any snow until the week before the first stop of the Freeride World Tour, we were lucky to get 30cms just before we arrived in Baqueira.

We had worried about hitting rocks more than anything but the morning of the contest, a large avalanche was actually triggered in the middle of the face.

That left a majority of the face with the firm base that was just underneath the new snow.

Luckily there were no injuries during the forerunners, safety crew, or athletes.

This face would be SO fun if there were a solid base with a half meter or more of new snow on it!