This is a little variant of the classic Banana route of Mont Gele









FATMAP difficulty grade



This is a fun variant of the classic banana route on the north face of Mont Gele.

To access, head to Banana Couloir: From the top of the Mont Gele lift, follow the North East ridge first on the south/east side, then on the north side and ridge proper.

Descend / traverse slightly on the north side and then do a short 50m boot pack back up to the top of the ridge near the summit of the Pointe de Chassoure.

From here follow a snow covered ledge and then the North East ridge which you descend to reach the start of the Banana couloir at around 2900m.

Ski the couloir and take a the entrance approximately 50m down the Banana couloir, over the shoulder on the skier's right and into the next couloir.

Follow this down, there's cliff section as you meet the next couloir, but it's possible to find a gap to ski through (and nice ways to air in, if you like!).

Then you can let it rip out into the main bowl.