An alpine tunnel awaits those who make this worthwhile trek.


5 - 6









FATMAP difficulty grade



This is another great hike that departs from the Many Glacier area.

This route shares the same trailhead as the [Iceberg Lake trail](,-113.6664303,129016.5802805,-90,0,2086.2106498,normal), so these two routes make a great two-day combo.

If you are up for it, you could even combine these two routes into a single day, which would be long, but a great journey nonetheless! Since they share the same trailhead, the landscape in the beginning is similar.

There is a steep climb initially, but then the trail levels out a bit as you make your way into a beautiful basin.

Always be bear aware in this section.

Look for mountain goats and bighorn sheep up on the slopes.

After a few miles, the trail branches off from the Iceberg Lake trail.

This route isn't as heavily traveled as Iceberg Lake, which is a plus.

Another plus is the plethora of huckleberries along the route.

Depending on the time of year, huckleberries will dot the landscape, which is always a sight to behold.

Eventually, you'll reach Ptarmigan Lake.

This is a gorgeous lake, and the upcoming switchbacks can be seen from here.

These well-built switchbacks take you to the Ptarmigan Tunnel, so there is not much further to go.

Numerous bighorn sheep have been spotted along this section of trail.

The excitement builds as you approach the tunnel.

This is a 250-foot tunnel, so it is no joke.

I have never traversed through a longer tunnel on a hike in the mountains, so this is a unique and special treat.

Another world awaits on the other side of the tunnel.

There are marvelous views of the neighboring valley and Elizabeth Lake.

Depending on how you feel, you can even continue down past the tunnel to make your way into the next valley.

Note, you will have to backtrack however far you travel down.

Regardless, the views are magnificent everywhere you look.

Similar to the Iceberg Lake hike, retrace your steps to arrive back at the trailhead.

The lengthy Ptarmigan Tunnel, combined with the panoramic views, make this hike a must-do!