The perfect ski tour within the Crown Point area


6 - 7









FATMAP difficulty grade



Crown Point was one of those ski tours that we had to ourselves for years but with the popularity of ski touring this area seems to get more and more traffic.

It is easy to see why as this area offers great lines on numerous aspects with wide open slopes as well as open trees for whatever conditions.

While the South side in my opinion has the best slopes this tour is at its best early season when the sun isn’t affecting it.

If you decide to do this route late in the season make sure to start riding right as the first rays of light hit the slope.

Starting at the base area make your way up as if you were heading towards Bullion Peak on the summer trail.

Once in Bullion Basin make a hard traverse lookers right and make your way up the Northwest ridge until arriving on top of Bullion Peak.

Once their make your way south along the mellow ridge making sure to stay at the high point which is relatively flat.

Before long there is one last steep pitch that you need to gain but with a few well placed switchbacks you are standing on top of Crown Point.

From the summit you can easily ride a few different aspects but below I will write how I would have a perfect day making the most out of aspects.

Since you are on a race against the sun I usually make my way down the south facing slope, before long you are riding into a gully and once it starts to get dense with trees traverse out of the gut and transition back to skinning.

Make your way North east until you arrive at a low col the head south along the ridge before arriving in some well spaced out trees then ride down to your old skin track. With two great lines already done make your way back up the skin track with the goal of making it back up to the summit of Crown Point.

Once on top it is time to focus on the East facing slopes that start off wide open.

This is a terrain trap as there are trees below but if you feel confident with the snowpack it is a great line.

Making your way down the open slopes make a hard traverse skiers right just before reaching the trees.

Soon enough you will be back into open slopes and ride the gully down as far as the snow and your energy will allow.

Before long it is time to climb back up to the southeast col of Crown Point and retrace the rest of your skin track back up to the summit of Crown Point. Now is time to think about what exit you want to do….

there are numerous options which is A drop directly into Pickhandle Basin or head towards Bullion Peak.

Normally we like to head for the Southwest chute of Bullion Peak which is steep and goes all the way into Pickhandle basin just below a nasty waterfall.

This is a classic route BUT must be done only if you are sure that the avalanche conditions are stable. For more info and many pictures within the area check out the link below.