A high-speed jump line with some large table tops and incredible bridge features.


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FATMAP difficulty grade



The Catapult Trail is one of the freshest jump lines in the rapidly-growing mountain bike destination of Bentonville.

On this upper intermediate-level jump line, the builders specifically tried to build a big, fast jump line with long, tall berms and large tabletops, all on a wide-open trail.

This trail character differs from some of the other jump lines at Slaughter Pen that try to pack as many features into as small of a space as possible.

On the surface, the strategy of packing the jumps in seems logical when you don't have very much elevation to work with, but that can lead to a busy-feeling ride character when you're actually on the trail. Catapult is the answer to the problem of overly-busy trails, with long, flowing berms, fantastic rollers, and large tabletop jumps that are so perfectly sculpted, they will have intermediate jumpers feel like rockstars as they launch some serious air. While Catapult doesn't quite warrant a black diamond rating, it's still a substantial step up in size and speed from the Medieval jump line.

In fact, Catapult goes over the top of Medieval in several spots, thanks to some massive wooden bridges that function as overpasses. To get to the top of these trails, a well-built climbing trail has been added next to the road, which switchbacks continuously as it slowly ascends through the grassy meadow.

This mellow climb makes it super easy to pedal lap after lap on this fantastic new mountain bike playground!