An easy and fun cruise through peaceful forests


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FATMAP difficulty grade



This is the perfect ride for those seeking a bit of evening fresh air, with zero stress.

It's easily accessed from Rossland (and there's a parking lot at the very start if you don't want to ride the kilometre or so from Rossland town centre) and has zero technicality or real difficulty. The ride starts by following the Centennial Trail on the eastern shore of the lake which serves as Rossland's reservoir.

The lake is lined with information boards, and reading these is both interesting and funny, with Kootenay-humour being infused throughout them.

If you like your history with a twist or irony and dry humour, you'll enjoy the signs! The Centennial Trail itself is flat and easy to ride, so cruise along it and enjoy the ambience all the way to Red Mountain village.

Having reached the village make a short climb up to the popular Red Top Trail and follow this briefly to where Blue Elephant branches off.

The climb then continues up Blue Elephant to its high point, almost due east of Red Mountain summit. From here the fun really begins, with the undulating trail leading you down towards the lake.

The riding is smooth, easy and super fun, so enjoy it and smile all the way down.

Finish off your ride with a brief excursion onto Larry's Trail, a fun way to wrap up an excellent trip.

Roll easily along the Centennial Trail back to the parking lot, or all the way down to Rossland centre.