A long, scenic and varied stroll back to the trailhead


5 - 6









FATMAP difficulty grade



On paper this doesn't look like a tough day but the short-ish climbs at the start and the loooong descent at the end make it trickier than it might initially appear.

Allow 6 hours to complete the trip and you should be fine, but don't count on doing it much faster. Start by climbing up to Oval Pass and then descending down past Tuckaway Lake (which is well worth detouring to) and then carrying on through the trail camp below.

At the trail camp take the righthand trail and contour/climb around to Eagle Pass on a fabulous trail which provides epic view after epic view.

The vistas from the trail across the North Cascades are exceptional and - because the trail swings around from going south-west to north-east in a relatively short distance - ever changing. Eagle Pass marks the point at which the views end on this hike, so take them in and then drop into the forest.

The remainder of the trip passes through lovely forests, but there are no views at all.

The wonder of the forests make the descent almost hypnotic but there aren't any vistas to admire to soak in the ambience and just keep strolling.

The descent is consistent and there aren't any notable features or steep sections.

There are a few spots to fill up water, including Silver Lake - which is an excellent location for lunch.

Upon reaching the trailhead it's only a short drive down to Twisp, where burgers, drinks and a river to swim in await!