Big berms and high-speed hits abound on Space Force.


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This fantastic top-to-bottom Olympia run begins on the short Diane trail before dropping into Happy Camper.

Happy Camper is guaranteed to make all who ride it happy with its superb flow and entertaining features.

Up top, the trail begins with an optional skinny drop followed by an easy but fun wooden roller coaster bridge.

From there, the trail reverts to a classic flow trail, with tons of flowy berms.

There aren't too many jumps to speak of on Happy Camper, but that will change in a hurry as you continue. This recommended route takes a hard right onto Space Force, where the size of the jumps is amped up dramatically.

Space Force features several massive high-speed berms that launch you back uphill into step-up jumps that take quite a bit of speed to clear.

That said, most riders will be able to roll through this trail even if they don't want to hit all the jumps as long as they maintain enough momentum for the dramatic grade reversals. This run wraps up on Day Trip, which is one of the newer trails in the Trestle Bike Park.

This trail is a mixed bag—it features some classic flow trail features but then abruptly switches to a natural trail that's been burned in by the passage of tires.

These sections are straightaway, fast, and pretty rocky.

Perhaps Trestle will replace the natural sections with more berms in the future, but that remains to be seen.