The circular route (GR60) – the great route of the magical mountains runs through the municipalities located between the Douro and Vouga rivers. A fully signposted route in accordance with the criteria/regulations of the Portuguese Camping and Mountaineering Federation and the Portuguese Cycling Federation. The route runs along the Gralheira (Serra da Freita, Arada and Arestal) and Montemuro massifs. It crosses 7 municipalities (Arouca, Castelo de Paiva, Castro Daire, Cinfães, São Pedro do Sul, Sever do Vouga and Vale de Cambra) as well as 4 sites of the Natura 2000 Network: Serra da Freita and Arada, Serra do Montemuro, Rio Paiva and Vouga River and a UNESCO World Geopark – Arouca Geopark. It is a historic region surrounded by medieval monuments, handicrafts, museums and interpretation centres. Without forgetting the unique hospitality that you can experience in the region and especially the local cuisine and wines.



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The circular route (GR60) – the great route of the magical mountains runs through the municipalities located between the Douro and Vouga rivers.

A fully signposted route in accordance with the criteria/regulations of the Portuguese Camping and Mountaineering Federation and the Portuguese Cycling Federation. The route runs along the Gralheira (Serra da Freita, Arada and Arestal) and Montemuro massifs.

It crosses 7 municipalities (Arouca, Castelo de Paiva, Castro Daire, Cinfães, São Pedro do Sul, Sever do Vouga and Vale de Cambra) as well as 4 sites of the Natura 2000 Network: Serra da Freita and Arada, Serra do Montemuro, Rio Paiva and Vouga River and a UNESCO World Geopark – Arouca Geopark. It is a historic region surrounded by medieval monuments, handicrafts, museums and interpretation centres.

Without forgetting the unique hospitality that you can experience in the region and especially the local cuisine and wines.