The reluctant retreat to the real world









FATMAP difficulty grade



The time had come to leave the world we had manufactured around us.

Five nights was long enough to fall into a simple rhythm, where each action and movement is directed towards a certain purpose.

No energy can be afforded to be wasted as calories are being burnt faster than you can store them.

Our clothes were screaming for a warm wash as loud as our fingers and feet.

I will never forget the way the horses ears pricked up as we approached, Derek said that means they are happy to see you, which was reciprocal.

The next few hours were some of the fondest of my life.

I remember galloping along a high country road next to my sister, the evening light was illuminating the valley as the first stars appeared.

The horses knew the way home and the speed suggested they were more eager to get back to the station then I was.

The trip for me was a welcome reminder that the final destination, ski line, or conditions don't matter too much.

The company you are with, the trials you overcome, and your attitude, will shape your experience.

Thank you to Mt White Station and Derek Deans for the access into this incredible block of untouched wilderness.

Please do not go on this property without contacting Mt White.