Hypothetical packraft route around Clendinning park



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Hypothetical route around Clendinning park.

Hike up Sims Creek, get onto the Glaciers at the head of the Sims/Clendinning divide, head down to Clendinning Lake, and packraft back to the car via Clendinning Creek and the Elaho River.

I think this trip would take 6-10 days, so it should be feasible as a fully self-supported endeavor. The big question mark with the route is getting from Sims Creek up into the alpine.

At the moment, I have the route going up a steep gully, which may be an impassible waterfall in reality.

It may be possible to do a steep bush bash up the buttress just to the east of the gully to reach the same area.

If this isn't an option, other alternatives would be to would be to go up the glacier at the head of Sims Creek and gain the col to the north of Mount George Edwards (Steven Song and co.

used this route to get from Boardman to Tinniswood), or to go up the first drainage to the east of where the route currently runs and either follow the glacier out (missing the upper Clendinning Creek) or go over the shoulder of Mt Whiting to get to Clendinning Lake. There are several possible high-route variations to travelling up Sims Creek.

One option would be to start up the Bug Lake trail and reach Clendinning Lake by traversing past Mt John Clarke, Tinniswood, George Edwards, and whatever the small peak is immediately north of George Edwards.

Another option would be to follow the Sims-Clendinning divied by bush bashing up to Mt Willson and linking peaks and ridges until reaching the glacier by Boardman.

Steven song has a series of trip reports from July 2020 where he describes starting on Willson (heli drop) essentially linking both these routes in a giant horseshoe (https://stevensong.com/coastal-interior-bc/sea-to-sky/mount-willson/).

Robin Tivy has a trip report from 1999 where he started up at Sims Creek and scrambled to the summit of Willson (https://bivouac.com/TripPg.asp?TripId=257).

With heavy packs, I imagine that following either of these routes would add several days - and many thousands of metres of elevation - to the trip.