Loop trail over the Cañon Rojo (Red Canyon)


2 - 3









FATMAP difficulty grade



We parked next to a farmhouse since we had found a place in the shade to protect the car.

However, you can also park a few meters ahead past the bridge.

Although this route is part of a hiking route, the first part is on a dirt road and you can take the car to about the halfway point of this route to a parking lot that is signposted.

Section 1: Dirt Path The first part of the route is by dirt road, it is very easy to follow and is suitable for everyone.

The views are impressive and you enjoy every step.

Section 2: The Cliffs Once we see the parking sign, we leave this track and begin to climb along a path until we reach the remains of the Battle of Teruel.

From there, we will follow another exposed path along the edge of the cliffs, enjoying views from the top of the canyon.

This section is long and can be vertigo-inducing.

Section 3: The Descent Now that we have climbed up, it is time to descend.

Unfortunately, there is no well-marked descent path and we will have to find the best way down.

We advise you to follow our track.

The descent is short but steep.

It can be difficult for some.

Be very careful and walk slowly to avoid falling.

This route is simply amazing.

Pictures cannot describe how beautiful this place is.

It transports you to another place and during this 10 km walk you forget that you are in Spain.

It is an easy walk and generally suitable for everyone, except for the exposed part and the descent, which can be difficult for some.