FATMAP by Strava

Viscri - Alba Iulia

Viscri - Alba Iulia via Via Transilvanica

Also in Brasov, RomaniaMures, RomaniaSibiu, Romania

Mountain Biking Difficult

266 km
5.1 km
5.5 km
1 day +
Low Point
215 m
High Point
678 m
Viscri - Alba Iulia Map

This is a popular mountain biking route which is generally considered to be difficult. It's remote, it features medium exposure and is typically done between April and September. From a low point of 215 m to the maximum altitude of 678 m, the route covers 266 km, 5142 vertical metres of ascent and 5462 vertical metres of descent.


1/5 of Via Transilvanica



Mostly stable trail tread with some variability featuring larger and more unavoidable obstacles that may include, but not be limited to: bigger stones, roots, steps, and narrow curves. Compared to lower intermediate, technical difficulty is more advanced and grades of slopes are steeper. Ideal for upper intermediate riders.

Medium Exposure

2 out of 4

The trail contains some obstacles such as outcroppings and rock which could cause injury.


2 out of 4

Away from help but easily accessed.

Best time to visit

between April and September


  • Hike a bike
  • Picturesque
  • In the forest
  • Road sections