FATMAP by Strava

Forgetmenot Mountain | C'est Notre Monde

Forgetmenot, a panorama on the Rockies and the prairies

Hiking Moderate

12 km
704 m
704 m
3-4 hrs
Low Point
1.6 km
High Point
2.2 km
Forgetmenot Mountain | C'est Notre Monde Map


Forgetmenot ! How could we? This 2229 meter high mountain does not seem all that impressive at first. Located in Don Getty Wildland Provincial Park (Kananaskis Country), Forgetmenotwill will take you to a non-exposed ridge where the North summit is located, offering a magical panorama of the Rockies and nearby prairies. So follow us along, and get ready to discover this amazing mountain.


Forgetmenot ! Mais comment le pourrait-on ? Cette petite montagne de 2229 mètres d’altitude ne paye pas de mine, et pourtant… Située dans le Don Getty Wildland Provincial Park (Kananaskis Country), elle offre un panorama exceptionnel sur les rocheuses et sur les prairies autour de Calgary. La rando que nous te proposons consiste à rejoindre une crête (non exposée) afin d’accéder au sommet nord de la montagne. Alors tiens toi prêt à en prendre plein les yeux et suis nos conseils pour découvrir ce que te réserve cette petite montagne.



Hiking along trails with some uneven terrain and small hills. Small rocks and roots may be present.

Low Exposure

1 out of 4

The path is on completely flat land and potential injury is limited to falling over.


2 out of 4

Away from help but easily accessed.

Best time to visit

between May and November


  • Alpine
  • Wildlife
  • Picturesque
  • Summit Hike
  • Dog friendly
  • Wild flowers
  • Water features
  • Family friendly
  • Forestry or heavy vegetation