FATMAP by Strava

Rcheulishvili 3A / AD

Nice moderate climbing in Chauhi massive.

Alpine Climbing Moderate

2 km
414 m
406 m
Low Point
3.2 km
High Point
3.6 km
Rcheulishvili 3A / AD Map

Climbing route in the west side of Chauhi range. Grade 3A / AD. Relatively short approach from a high alpine camp.

  1. Start in the Chauhi high camp.
  2. Move South to the wall in front of you.
  3. Turn right in the 2nd couloir with loose rocks. Sometimes snow or ice can appear on the high part.
  4. Move up. Keep the left side of the couloir to the bottom of the wall.
  5. Put the rope on.
  6. Turn left. Start moving simultaneously on the easy low-quality rocks.
  7. After ~15 meters turn right and keep moving up with the main direction simultaneously. The climb is easy but sometimes protection is needed.
  8. Move to a big balcony. On the left side upper you'll see the chimney.
  9. Make a station on a big rock.
  10. Climb up 30m, then turn to the chimney.
  11. Make a station on the top of the chimney.
  12. Move left to the couloir on the left. Alternatively, go up and then left.
  13. Climb up simultaneously until lose rock.
  14. Turn right to the summit.
  15. Take a summit photo.
  16. Descend with a relatively easy route (1B / F) on the ridge.



May involve slightly more complex glacier hikes, easy but possibly long rock ridges and steep snow up to 45 degrees. Equivalent to PD, PD+

High Exposure

3 out of 4

Much of the route is difficult to protect and a fall could be disastrous at certain points.


1 out of 4

Close to help in case of emergency.

Best time to visit

between July and September

Equipment required

  • Crampons
  • Quickdraws
  • Climbing Shoes
  • Wires and Friends