FATMAP by Strava

Kotagil gorge, Northwest Iceland

Beautiful canyon hike with river crossing

Hiking Moderate

1.3 km
103 m
101 m
0-1 hrs
Low Point
198 m
High Point
284 m
Kotagil gorge, Northwest Iceland Map

Kotagil is a beautiful canyon with a stunning gorge and waterfall waiting at the end of the track. You can start the track from the parking spot just off the road 1. Once you have followed the path underneath the first (more southern) bridge, you may choose to take the west or east part of the river for the first part of the track. Most of the track follows along the east side of the river, so if you choose to take the western part, be aware that you have to cross the river and watch out for the height of the water. You may have to wade through the river at later points as well, as the river might go over the path. The track follows the east of the river on the way to the gorge, with an option to cross over to the west side to avoid rocks. It returns to the parking spot on the west side of the river, after the crossing. Kotagil is a very rocky path with river crossings, please bring according gear.



Hiking along trails with some uneven terrain and small hills. Small rocks and roots may be present.

High Exposure

3 out of 4

Some trail sections have exposed ledges or steep ascents/descents where falling could cause serious injury.


2 out of 4

Away from help but easily accessed.

Best time to visit

between May and October


  • Picturesque
  • Water features
  • Family friendly