FATMAP by Strava

Hardscrabble North Face

North Bridgers

Steep, Tight Shorter Lines

Ski Touring Severe

328 m
0 m
200 m
0-1 hrs
Low Point
2.7 km
High Point
2.9 km
Hardscrabble North Face Map

The North Face of Hardscrabble holds a couple of short (7-800 feet), but really fun lines. There a 3 distinct lines right off the top. The skier’s right one is a subtle dogleg whose run out doesn’t always fill in - this is the longest one. Just down and left of that is a steep and tight chute that you will probably have to straightline out into Arrowhead Bowl. The third line is a little further down. It is wider than the middle shot, but is very steep in the top and usually protected by a cornice - this line may be impossible getting into.



Steep skiing at 38-45 degrees. This requires very good technique and the risk of falling has serious consequences.

Medium Exposure (E2)

2 out of 4

As well as the slope itself, there are some obstacles (such as rock outcrops) which could aggravate injury.


3 out of 4

Little chance of being seen or helped in case of an accident.

Best time to visit

between November and June


  • Cliffs
  • Walk Required

Equipment required

  • Skins