FATMAP by Strava

Cherry Creek Falls

Explore a maze of trails and reach a gorgeous little waterfall

Hiking Moderate

8.9 km
205 m
205 m
2-3 hrs
Low Point
84 m
High Point
143 m
Cherry Creek Falls Map

With a jumble of trails leaving the designated Cherry Creek Falls trailhead, this is a wonderfully rambling stroll through peaceful forests. Keeping an eye on FATMAP is recommended so that you don't go too far off route, but if you vaguely follow Cherry Creek you'll be fine. One thing to note is that the first part of this hike is on private property - be respectful and don't endanger the rights of hikers to access the land. It's also worth noting that dogs need to be kept on a leash throughout this hike.


Once underway, this is an excellent walk to a small but bucolic waterfall. Cherry Creek Falls definitely aren't Niagara Falls, but they're peaceful - and the noise they create makes them a pleasant spot for a picnic.

Assuming you stuck resolutely on the Cherry Creek Falls Trail on the way up, detouring on the way back to the car by following the Creekside Trail is a nice way to see some other terrain.



Hiking along trails with some uneven terrain and small hills. Small rocks and roots may be present.

Low Exposure

1 out of 4

The path is on completely flat land and potential injury is limited to falling over.


2 out of 4

Away from help but easily accessed.

Best time to visit

between March and October


  • Wildlife
  • Picturesque
  • Dog friendly
  • Water features
  • Family friendly
  • Forestry or heavy vegetation