FATMAP by Strava

Gvepseborg to Kalhovd


This 35 km bike ride takes you through Hardangervidda to Kalhovd Turisthytte.

Mountain Biking Moderate

30 km
890 m
683 m
3-4 hrs
Low Point
886 m
High Point
1.2 km
Gvepseborg to Kalhovd Map

This ride starts with a spectacular ride with Krossobanen, the cable car that transports you from the valley of Rjukan and up to Hardangervidda in 5 minutes. This bike ride then takes you from Gvepseborg, Krossobanen’s top station, to Kalhovd Turisthytte in a varied terrain. The first 2 km is a steep climb. After about 14 km you will reach the highest point of the hike tour, 1178 meters above sea level. The bike ride is 35 km long and takes about 2,5 hours. Make sure to bring enough water and food – you won’t be able to buy anything until you reach Kalhovd Turisthytte. All in all, this is a nice ride that most people can handle. But be aware that it may be heavier than what some people appreciate. Remember that this is mountain terrain and can come with some weather challenges. You can either bike the same way back home the same day, or make this a two-day-adventure and spend the night at the idyllic Kalhovd Turisthytte – and bike back the day after.



Mostly stable trail tread with some variability, with unavoidable obstacles 8in/20cm tall or less. Other obstacles such as rock gullies and steep sections may exist. Ideal for lower intermediate riders.

Low Exposure

1 out of 4

The path is on completely flat land and potential injury is limited to falling over.


2 out of 4

Away from help but easily accessed.

Best time to visit

between June and September