FATMAP by Strava

Hope Chutes

Lake Tahoe

Alternative rock chutes

Freeride Skiing Moderate

409 m
0 m
110 m
Low Point
2.4 km
High Point
2.5 km
Hope Chutes Map

This is a popular freeride skiing route which is generally considered to be moderate. It's very remote, it features high exposure (e3) and is typically done between December and April. From a low point of 2.4 km to the maximum altitude of 2.5 km, the route covers 409 m, 0 vertical metres of ascent and 110 vertical metres of descent.


The Hope Chutes are a series of rock riddled chutes that are located directly skiers' left of Picketts' Face. These are even steeper and rockier than the chutes found in Picketts' Face and due to their hidden nature, they can hold snow very well!



Slopes become slightly steeper at around 25-30 degrees.

High Exposure (E3)

3 out of 4

In case of a fall, death is highly likely.


3 out of 4

Little chance of being seen or helped in case of an accident.

Best time to visit

between December and April


  • Trees
  • Cliffs
  • Walk Required

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