FATMAP by Strava

Omas and Opas (aka The Twins)

Crystal Mountain

Two narrow, curving couloirs that meet together at the bottom.

Freeride Skiing Severe

269 m
19 m
96 m
Low Point
1.9 km
High Point
2 km
Omas and Opas (aka The Twins) Map

The ancestral name of these two chutes is Omas and Opas (German for grandmother and grandfather), but mostly these names are no longer used. Today these two chutes are referred to as The Twins. Neither of these chutes are straightforward. The righthand chute is bordered by some boulders that you must air off of to land in this narrow couloir. Trees and rocks border each side of this narrow chute. The lefthand chute starts wide and easy. Don't be fooled. This chute twists left and then right before ending in two choices. Either you will air off the cliff at the bottom or work your way right through the trees to end in the other Twin Chute. Regardless, these remote chutes are for experienced experts only. At the bottom you can sidestep back up and duck back under the rope into Northway or you can head to the S-Bends Chutes.



Steep skiing at 38-45 degrees. This requires very good technique and the risk of falling has serious consequences.

High Exposure (E3)

3 out of 4

In case of a fall, death is highly likely.


3 out of 4

Little chance of being seen or helped in case of an accident.


  • Trees
  • Cliffs
  • Walk Required

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