FATMAP by Strava

Turkey Creek Trail


If you want to escape the crowds on Sedona's most popular hikes, check out the Turkey Creek Trail.

Hiking Difficult

14 km
454 m
454 m
3-4 hrs
Low Point
1.2 km
High Point
1.5 km
Turkey Creek Trail Map

If you want to escape the crowds on Sedona's most popular hikes, head to the Turkey Creek Trail. Turkey Creek offers a more secluded hiking experience as it heads high up a canyon above Red Rock State Park.


The route shown here is 9 miles long round-trip, but you can choose to turn around sooner if you so choose. Alternatively, you could also add on some bonus miles to the summit of House Mountain via FR 9952C.

The trail crosses the creek several times as it climbs. During the spring, the creek crossings can sometimes be deep and swift. And if you attempt this hike in the winter, be cautious of potential icy conditions.

As you get higher up the trail, the route can sometimes grow faint and difficult to follow as you negotiate your way along rocky sections and around boulders. If you want a tourist-style hike, stick to the better-known trails in Sedona. But if you want an adventure, then Turkey Creek is for you!

Sources: https://www.gohikeit.com/2018/01/turkey-creek-trail-sedona-hike.html/ https://www.10adventures.com/hikes/sedona/turkey-creek-trail/



Hiking trails where obstacles such as rocks or roots are prevalent. Some obstacles can require care to step over or around. At times, the trail can be worn and eroded. The grade of the trail is generally quite steep, and can often lead to strenuous hiking.

Medium Exposure

2 out of 4

The trail contains some obstacles such as outcroppings and rock which could cause injury.


3 out of 4

Little chance of being seen or helped in case of an accident.

Best time to visit

between March and December


  • Picturesque
  • Water features
  • Forestry or heavy vegetation

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