FATMAP by Strava

Beaver Bowl 4

Arapahoe Basin

Mellow bowl skiing into mellow tree skiing

Freeride Skiing Moderate

986 m
0 m
414 m
Low Point
3.3 km
High Point
3.8 km
Beaver Bowl 4 Map

This route basically goes skier' left of the plateau ridge as seen on the map and then comes back skier's right into the trees. It then enters into tight trees that will open up as you enter the bottom of the slope. From the start: enter through the backcountry gate traversing far skier's left, this traverse will be borderline uphill. As you are traversing, look downhill for the plateau ridge. As you ski through the bowl and enter the trees, it will ski pretty flat, but this is a good safe route to explore the backcountry of the ski area. You will be skiing in the correct location if you look to your skier's right and see a ridge going downhill right along the line. Once the trees start to tighten up, you will encounter a steeper slope and then eventually they will open up at the bottom. Follow the exit route out. Enjoy this fun route as you will probably see no one else but your skiing partners!



Slopes become slightly steeper at around 25-30 degrees.

Medium Exposure (E2)

2 out of 4

As well as the slope itself, there are some obstacles (such as rock outcrops) which could aggravate injury.


3 out of 4

Little chance of being seen or helped in case of an accident.


  • Trees
  • Cliffs
  • Walk Required

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