FATMAP by Strava

Golden Gate Promenade

Bay Area

San Francisco

Stroll through an urban park with many activities, and enjoy views of the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Hiking Easy

4.3 km
57 m
5 m
0-1 hrs
Low Point
1 m
High Point
53 m
Golden Gate Promenade Map

The promenade provides a walking tour of San Francisco’s urban park next to the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge, with a wealth of activities to explore. One highlight is, of course, the view, but there are many more attractions along this waterfront. There is a wide, sandy beach with gentle waves, grassy picnic areas, and a tidal marsh that attracts a bounty of bird life. The whole area was once a military base, but the airfield is now a green lawn, and the buildings have been repurposed as museums and businesses. Memorials, sculptures, and other artwork dot the park as well.


The easiest access is at the east end of the promenade, near Fort Mason, or along Marina Boulevard where there is plenty of parking. Alternatively, you can easily get here via public transportation. Walk west along the waterfront or the grass of Marina Green. You can make a side trip along the wharf past the yacht club to visit the Wave Organ, a sculpture with pipes that make music with the swell of waves. Next comes the beach, marsh, and lawn of Crissy Field. You can spend an entire day lounging on the sand or in the grass, gazing out over the bridge and the bay.

If you want more to do, check out the historic military buildings nearby on Mason Street. Many of these now house sports and fitness centers like a climbing gym, indoor trampoline park, bike shop, and retail store. You can also find exhibits that explain the history of the area.

Farther west and closer to the bridge there is still more to explore. For better views of the Golden Gate Bridge, walk out on the fishing wharf into the bay, then go up the many stairs that climb the wooded bluff above Marine Drive. The trail leads to incredible, elevated viewpoints among proud cypress trees. To walk on the bridge itself, continue uphill past the Golden Gate welcome center and proceed to the bridge’s east sidewalk. Enjoy your stroll along one of America’s most iconic structures.

Sources: https://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/The-Golden-Gate-Promenade-s-a-beautiful-walk-2656503.php https://www.presidio.gov/trails/golden-gate-promenade-bay-trail https://www.nps.gov/goga/planyourvisit/maps.htm



Walking along a well-kept trail that’s mostly flat. No obstacles are present.

Low Exposure

1 out of 4

The path is on completely flat land and potential injury is limited to falling over.


1 out of 4

Close to help in case of emergency.

Best time to visit

all year round


  • Wildlife
  • Historical
  • Picturesque
  • Dog friendly
  • Wild flowers
  • Water features
  • Family friendly

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