FATMAP by Strava

Wanglalm to 150er


Mayrhofen Hippach

Short powder run, easy on sunny days and usually safe on foggy ones.

Freeride Skiing Moderate

2.7 km
5 m
715 m
Low Point
1.7 km
High Point
2.4 km
Wanglalm to 150er Map

This spot is not really a secret, but it keeps its snow well because of its northerly aspect. Take slope 66 until it bends round to the left, passing a small building, the Wanglalm on your right. As you leave the piste here you need to keep your speed to get over a small hill, if you are to slow you need to pole over it, especially on days with fresh powder. When dropping into the hill you can either stay on the left or walk a few meters over the ridge to the right. You will find some small obstacles to jump over or do kind of slalom turns between some bushes. Both routes will meet at a small creek which you cross to your left. The hill now turns to the east. From here you can already see the bottom station of the 150er cable car. Enjoy your last long turns before following the path back to the lift station for the next run! This route also can be good on windy days, because the snow fills in here, also with bad vis this is one of the safer options in the area.



Slopes become slightly steeper at around 25-30 degrees.

Medium Exposure (E2)

2 out of 4

As well as the slope itself, there are some obstacles (such as rock outcrops) which could aggravate injury.


2 out of 4

Away from help but easily accessed.

Best time to visit

between January and April


  • Trees
  • Cliffs

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